Our community is our greatest superpower. Join entertainment professionals from around the world who are invested in elevating mental health and wellness within the industry.

Pay-it-Forward Membership
$80 for 1 Year
This option is for those individuals who have benefited from systemic privilege who would like to financially support others.
A monthly meetup (live and recorded) that includes workshops, practice labs, town hall conversations, and more!
Access to our private FB group for support and access to resources!
Free access to our pre-recorded classes including Polyvagal Theory and Intro to Mental Health Coordination!
Early registration for upcoming classes!
Discounts on merch!
Standard Membership
$55 / Year
A monthly meetup (live and recorded) that includes workshops, practice labs, town hall conversations, and more!
Access to our private FB group for support and access to resources!
Free access to our pre-recorded classes including Polyvagal Theory and Intro to Mental Health Coordination!
Early registration for upcoming classes!
Discounts on merch!
Access Option
$10 for 1 Year
This option is for individuals experiencing systemic oppression which has lead to a need for financial access to our community.
A monthly meetup (live and recorded) that includes workshops, practice labs, town hall conversations, and more!
Access to our private FB group for support and access to resources!
Free access to our pre-recorded classes including Polyvagal Theory and Intro to Mental Health Coordination!
Early registration for upcoming classes!
Discounts on merch!